by trudi_brugesThe book Fear of the Animal planet, by Jason Hribal (2010) documents the numerous accounts of animal resistance in modern history: elephants and tigers who escape from the circusses and attack their abusers, monkeys who manage to flee from laboratories, orcas and sea lions who show their resistance to captivity and abuse. The zoos, circusses and other facilities uphold a narrative of these being...
June 10, 2025手机免费加速器inspiration / literature -
by trudi_brugesA couple of weeks ago at the end of October, we went to VegfestUK, a vegan festival which is held annually in London at the Olympia. We had already visited VegfestUK in 2016, and were really impressed by its scale and the intersectionality conference which was held then. The festival not only houses nearly 300 stalls (food, body and care products, organisations, etc) but there...
网络加速器下载免费版Comments 5events -
by trudi_brugesrestaurant review #197 – Wulf & Lamb is a vegan restaurant in the city center of London. It is located south of Hyde park, about a 10 minute walk south from shopping gigant Harrods and west from Buckingham Palace (just mentionning these as a geographical reference, not as an endorsement of any kind 😉 ). We went here twice during our trip to London...
September 30, 2018Comment 1outside Bruges -
by trudi_brugesrestaurant review #194 – Organic Vision is a new restaurant in the city center of Ostend. It is located near the main shopping street. Organic Vision is the long awaited successor of De Graankorrel, which was a vegan – macrobiotic restaurant in Ostend, but closed about 2 years ago. Unlike De Graankorel, Organic Vision is not a vegan restaurant. There are however several vegan...
August 27, 2018Comments 2outside Bruges -
by trudi_brugesrestaurant review #187 – Rasoterra is a vegetarian restaurant in the old city center of Barcelona (More reviews of Barcelona HERE). It often pops up as one of the best places to go dining on vegan or vegetarian lists of Barcelona – or even the world! So we really wanted to visit Rasoterra. I made a reservation when we passed by the day before, which...
July 13, 2018Comment 1outside Bruges -
by trudi_brugesA couple of weeks ago, the documentary Dominion was shown for the first time to a public audience in Belgium. The premiere was in the Sphinx cinema, in the heart of the city of Ghent (next to the McDonalds, oh the irony). The screening was organised by the ‘Dominion Movement Belgium’. Dominion is an Australian documentary (2018) and is announced as following (website): Exposing the dark underbelly...
加速器破解版Comment 1campaigns / activism, events -
by trudi_brugesI recently read ‘Animal Rights. Human Rights. Entanglements of Oppression and Liberation‘ by David Nibert (2002) and found it truly inspiring. The thesis of the book is that human oppression of other animals is primarily motivated by economic interests, and is profoundly and permanently intertwined with oppression of other humans. The economic forces fueling oppression have intensified with the development of capitalism. The oppression...
May 17, 2018Comments 4inspiration / literature, social justice/interconnections, thoughts -
by trudi_brugesrestaurant review #166 – Hashtag Food is a restaurant at the edge of Bruges. It is not a vegan restaurant, but they have several vegan options standardly available. Hashtag Food used to be in the city center, but in the Fall of 2017, the restaurant moved to a quieter area at the edge of the city, near the Scheepsdalebrug. We have visited Hashtag Food on...
March 15, 2018Comment 1in Bruges -
Recipe: Vegan cheese croquettes!
by trudi_brugesCheese croquettes! I have eaten a lot of these in the old days, but since going vegan have only had a couple of occassions where I could eat vegan cheese croquettes. Vegan cheese croquettes are not so easily found in shops (at least not around here). I had bought some at vegan shop SHAVT (now only webshop) and also eaten these at a bistro in...
February 25, 2018Comment 1kitchen -
#156 Fine dining at ‘t Aards Paradijs, Nevele
by trudi_brugesrestaurant review #156 – ‘t Aards Paradijs is a gastronomic restaurant in Nevele, which is just outside of Ghent and 40km from Bruges. In 2010, chef Lieven Lootens was awarded the title of best vegetable chef of the year (beste Groentekok) and I had seen ‘t Aards Paradijs mentionned in a facebook group as a place where one could ask a vegan menu. And...
December 28, 2017Comments 2outside Bruges
restaurant reviews: Bruges

restaurant review #263 – This review is from a restaurant visit to Postbar a couple of months ago, just...

#261 Vegan hotdog at Paula Mostaert, Brugge
restaurant review #261 – Paula Mostaert is a casual lunch/dinner bar in the city center of Bruges. It is...

立马加速器免费版-立马游戏加速器官方免费下载-PC下载网:2021-4-9 · 立马游戏加速器 ,电竞级网游加速器,专注于降低网游延迟,全球极速节点,为用户智能选择伢质线路,带来顺畅的海内外游戏体验 ... 针对热门游戏,定期开启免费加速 体验活动,满意再购买 4.全天候客服服务 亲切贴心的客服团队,高效解决 ...
restaurant review 253 – Velusso is a bicycle themed café in ‘t Zilverpand, a small shopping center near ‘t...

#240 Simple lunch at Nakhon Thai, Bruges
restaurant review #240 – Nakhon Thai is located in the city center of Bruges, just 2 minutes from the...
Inspiration / literature


The Cow with Ear Tag #1389 by Kathryn Gillespie

Animal Resistance. The animals are not voiceless.
Animals in Society

About vegan turkey and voiceless animals. Geertrui Cazaux (IARC 2025)
A couple of weeks ago, I was at the 9th International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg. This conference is held every year at the beginning of September. I attended...

About criminal animals. E.P. Evans (1906) The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals
I have been adding some books that have been inspirational to me to an album on my facebook account, and I will be adding them here as well. Some...

On our last city trip to London last Summer, we visited the Animals in War Memorial. It is located on the upper East side of Hyde Park at the...

Two interesting stories about animals in advertising, but coming from a whole different background. First, the poster from GoVeganworld.com, a British vegan organisation. It states that humane milk is...

Why I don’t buy a goat for Africa
A couple of weeks ago I saw this message in my Facebook Feed. It is from the Belgian NGO Dierenartsen zonder Grenzen (DZG = Veterinarians without Borders). The post calls...

The animals do not want our medals and statues
November 11, Armistice Day and we remember the many casualties of war. Animals have also been deployed in war times and millions of dogs, horses , donkeys, camels, elephants, pigeons and other...

Interview with The Vegan Rainbow Project
The Vegan Rainbow Project is a project from Daniela and India, and wants to draw attention to and explore interconnections of oppression and enhance visibility for vegan living minorities, whilst...
Equal rights for others does not mean less rights for you.
It's not pie.
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The House of Meat. What would you do?On a night out with friends, Eric tries a new restaurant. The waiter welcomes...February 17, 2025
About the smallest room of the restaurant!Readers who have been following this blog, or who have read some of our...February 6, 2018
Vegans not welcome!Yes, they do exist. Restaurants that do not want to prepare a vegan menu. I...February 27, 2017

Why I don’t buy a goat for Africa
A couple of weeks ago I saw this message in my Facebook Feed. It is from the Belgian NGO Dierenartsen zonder Grenzen (DZG = Veterinarians without Borders). The post calls to buy a goat. At that point, the counter stood at 127 purchased goats (meanwhile more than 300). On the website koopeengeit.be (buy a goat) I find out that the collected funds are meant for the purchase of goats in Africa. “Buy a goat for 50 euro, a small herd for 200 euro or a larger herd for 500 euro and give African families a future.” On the FB page, I read that the organisation DZG “combats hunger and poverty in remote African areas, by improving husbandry“. The goats ‘give milk and manure‘ and are being eaten, because the population ‘eats a lot of goat meat’. The goats are ‘an asset that becomes profitable over time and are easily transferred into money‘ and ‘that can be a first step to cattle farming‘. For underpriviliged African families, they can be ‘a means to step out of poverty‘, it says...

Bags and more! Cuco Vegan Fashion, Barcelona

免费永久的加速器福利!延迟少得哭了!_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ ...:2021-8-15 · 免费加速器golink 真白嫖 各种外服都可伡加速 失格浪人 1602播放 · 0弹幕 01:46 免费加速器,哪个最好用 ... 最好用?dm乐梦 18.1万播放 · 293弹幕 14:48 【HYPIXEL】亲测雷神,玲珑,熊猫,赛博,立马五大加速器对HYPIXEL 的延迟影响有多大 ...

A look inside vegan shop Cal Veganic, Barcelona

A visit to zero waste shop Refill, Oudenburg

A vegan waffle place in Brussels: Veganwaf’

#205 Nice vegan lunch at conceptstore All About Eve, ...
Restaurant Reviews: Outside Bruges

#264 – Nice tapas dinner, somewhat strange combinations, Madonna, Ghent
restaurant review #264 – This review is from a restaurant visit to Madonna a couple of months ago at the beginning of 2025, just before the lockdown measures due...

#262 – Vegan menu in nice decor, Epiphany’s kitchen, Ghent
restaurant review #262 – It’s been a while since I posted. And this review is from a restaurant visit a couple of months ago, just before the lockdown measures...

#260 Nice food and great venue. Dinner at Woodstone, Zoetermeer (NL)
restaurant review #260 – We were in Zoetermeer last Summer to go to a music show (Riverside, see clip below) and met with friends before the show to have...

#259 Voluminous fastfood lunch at Vegan Heroes, Tilburg (NL)
restaurant review #259 – Vegan Heroes is a vegan popup restaurant and is situated in a setting near the station of Tilburg (the Netherlands), sharing the place with some...
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- 立马游戏加速器下载-立马游戏加速器v3.5.4官方免费版 ...:2021-1-31 · 立马游戏加速器是一款专业稳定的加速器工具,顶级线路专用于降低网络延迟,并根据用户和游戏服务器所在地智能选择伢质线路,立马加速器给您带来顺畅的海内外游戏体验。 软件特色 游戏快人一步 高速线路,极致稳定节点, 更快连接游戏,极速畅玩更有伢势!
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About pigs, horses and winter stew

立马加速器_立马游戏加速器 v2.2 免费版-开心电玩 - Kxdw:2021-6-4 · 立马加速器是一款专为游戏爱好者打造的网络游戏加速软件,软件具有降低游戏延迟,清理电脑垃圾,提高系统性能等多方面的功能,可帮助玩家对所有网络游戏的服务器线路进行自动化选择,从而享受更流畅,伢质的游戏体验。

Farmer switches to veganic farming and gives cows to ...

Why I don’t buy a goat for Africa

立马加速器免费版-立马游戏加速器官方免费下载-PC下载网:2021-4-9 · 软件授权: 免费版 软件类别: 网络加速 软件等级: 更新时间: 2021-04-17 官方网站: www.pcsoft.com.cn ... 立马游戏加速器 软件功能 1、注册功能 未注册账号,点击注册账户按钮进行注册,用手机号码或者邮箱都可伡进行注册 ...

《全境封锁2》免费加速 立马加速器周年活动送万元豪礼 - Sohu:2021-3-15 · 同时,为了配合本次《全境封锁2》的正式发布,立马加速器也开启了专属线路,免费加速,电竞级网络伢化,全服畅玩,为玩家保驾护航,夺回华盛顿特区控制权。各种召唤物,也让单纯的掩体互射,变的趣味无限。想…
Beasts of Burden, Animal and Disability Liberation, by Sunaura Taylor is a must read for anyone interested in the intersections between ableism and speciesism and disability studies and critical animal studies....

New Platform: Crip HumAnimal: about ableism and speciesism
I have created a new space Crip HumAnimal, to specifically address the interconnections between ableism and speciesism. A place to highlight stories of disabled vegans, a place to address the...

VIDEO Ableism, ageism and speciesism, presentation IARC 2018, Geertrui Cazaux
I attended the 8th International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg at the beginning of September. A very inspirational weekend, being together with activists from many different countries and attending...

VIDEO – Ableism in the vegan movement. Intro to my talk at VegfestUK – Geertrui Cazaux
Why do we need to address ableism in the vegan and animal rights movement? This is an introduction to my talk at VegfestUK, in London, Oct 27 – 28:...
立马加速器免费版-立马游戏加速器官方下载-华军软件园:2021-4-22 · 立马游戏加速器,电竞级网游加速器,专注于降低网游延迟,全球极速节点,为用户智能选择伢质线路,带来顺畅的海内外游戏体验。华军软件园为你提供立马游戏加速器官方免费下载。
Franz Kafka